KJ Audio is

About KJ Audio

We offer over 30 years of quality service for advertising agencies for all their voiceover recording needs. KJ Audio is an audio production house and voiceover recording studio in Chicago that specializes in sophisticated sound design. We’re known for recording, mixing, and editing music, sound effects, and voiceovers for radio and television ads. We do digital audio post production for corporate videos, podcasts, film, and multimedia along with duplication and distribution but, truthfully, sound design is really our bag.

The Secret Sauce

KJ Audio’s recording and editing services are geared to help their clients to get their message out. We possess the tools to produce and edit audio recording projects for radio and TV advertisements, music video projects, music projects, training videos, or feature films. In most advertising mediums, writers will have someone with whom they can flesh out their ideas.


Be it the Art Director, Creative Director, Associate Creative Director, Adjunct Creative Director, Apparent Creative Director, etc. – there’s always somebody to bounce ideas off of.

At KJ Audio, we’re pretty good at smoothing the transition from “I think it might sound like…” to “Yes, that’s exactly what I was hearing in my head.” To us, there’s a great deal of fun and creative energy tied into helping you bring your 8.5 x 11 sheet of ideas into reality.


Let us work with you before you get to the recording studio. Send us your scripts, and we’ll let you know what we can do to get the sound you need. We can suggest what approaches might work, what music styles and sound effects to consider, and, if you’d like, what voiceover talent to audition.


We want what you want: audio that tells your story clearly, creatively and intuitively. We work with diverse materials, which include pre-made music beds, and jingles. We also use DeWolfe Music USA Inc., a 6500 track music library and 7500 track sound effects library that can be incorporated into projects, allowing KJ Audio to provide professional, catchy radio and TV commercial ads.

Some of Our Clients

Located in Chicago IL U.S.A

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